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Privacy Policy

Cobweb has not and will not collect private browsing data nor history associated with Cobweb usage. Cobweb also has not and will not collect private wallet information, including but not limited to wallet private keys or mnemonics. Cobweb collects wallet addresses to verify users and to protect users from spam.

Cobweb does not collect analytics of any form in the extension or on this landing page. (We reserve the right to change this in the future.)

Cobweb uses Chrome's localStorage API to store preferences, the scripting API to inject monetization updates, and the alarms API to schedule cleanup tasks to protect your wallet balances from unintentional continued drain.

Cobweb requests the 'Read and change data on all sites you visit' permission so it can read Cobweb tags on all pages, and change their Web Monetization status. No other changes or logs are made.

Cobweb is free and open source software released under the MIT license. View the full source here.