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My work.

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You might also want to read about me, my resume, or more about my projects.

🖋️ Yours, Kewbish

My personal blog. Features a collection of tech-related tutorials, articles, and personal stories. ~105k words written so far.


🪺 NestedName

A domain search tool facilitating domain hacks, like 'emilie.ma' or 'ma.tt', enabling users to find their ideal quirky domain. Email forwarding, link-in-bio sites, and vanity link shortening coming soon.


🧢 Disparati

Solutions for Fly.io's Gossip Glomers (Distributed Systems) challenges, including a globally-unique ID generator, a linearizable key-value store, and various CRDTs.


🕸️ Cobweb

An Ethereum-based Web Monetization Chrome extension enabling micro-payment streaming natively on the web. Won the Superfluid.finance Wave Pool #5.


🤝 PR-Issue Graph Topologies

A collection of Python visualization scripts and Neo4j queries facilitating quantitative and qualitative analysis of GitHub collaboration patterns.


👨‍🏫 Knetwork

An offline-first educational system for remote communities, with infinite AI-generated problems and tests. Won the Hack The Change 2022 hackathon.


🪵 woodchip8

A Chip-8 emulator in Go. A toy project to learn Go and the Ebitengine game framework.


🔬 Primality Testing

Worked on an inquiry project on probabilistic primality testing and the analysis of a probabilistic AKS variant. Supervised by Ms. Pressiana Marinova, B.A Mathematics Cambridge.


📊 UMLie

A UML diagram generator built in Java. Parses file imports and association types (fields, aggregations, etc.) to create several types of diagrams.


🌊 DiveIntoHT.ML

An interactive short course designed to teach the basics of web design. Accumulated ~400 registered users and receives ~1k monthly pageviews.


⚛️ Matter

A minimalist RSS reader and bookmarking tool, built with vanilla JS and GitHub integrations. Meant as a personal replacement for clunky readers.


💸 Revshare.js

A lightweight Javascript library to bring easy revenue-sharing capabilities to any site. Won the Grant For The Web Hackathon grand prize.


💵 Revshare for GitHub

A Chrome extension, bringing Web Monetization technologies to GitHub. Allows creators of any repo and its dependencies to receive revenue through the Web Monetization API.


🗽 Liberty

A Terminal User Interface built to bring the Leitner box space repetition technique to the terminal. Implements a text-based SRS system with open-ended question features.


🎮 rack8

A Chip-8 emulator in Racket. A toy project for me to learn the basics of emulator development and Racket.


My talks:

🌐 Open Source Summit North America 2024

North America’s premier open source conference, with keynotes from community figureheads (like Linus Torvalds!) Presented my research on the GitHub PR-Issue graph, including the prototypical workflow types we identified and their implications for open source maintainers. (Link to talk)

⌨️ NeovimConf 2023

An online conference on the Vim/Neovim text editor, featuring talks from core maintainers and community members. Presented a lightning talk on my Vim-based personal notetaking system, built around Neovim, FZF, and RipGrep. (Link to talk)

🧠 Augment Minds 2021

An (un)conference on advancing technologies in the tools for thought space, and delightful innovations in HCI for complementing thought. Delivered a lightning talk on a plaintext Zettelkasten system and my toolkit of choice: Vim, FZF, RipGrep, and Ctags. (Link to talk)

I'm experienced in:

Frontend Development - React, Typescript, Node, Next, Express, Jest, Vue  ∘  Backend Development - Python (Flask), Go, Node, Java, Serverless / Distributed Architectures, Docker, Kubernetes  ∘  Databases - MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Neo4j, GraphQL, MongoDB, SQLite, Firebase  ∘  Misc. - C, Unity + C#, Vim + Vimscript, Unix/Linux systems, Grafana